My mission is to touch and move people Art brings you close to your emotions again.
I strive for pure and open artworks with deeper, and also darker layers. In my early work via simplicity. Nowadays with complex works made with all kinds of recycled materials and painting.
Balancing man and nature is a theme, as are transformations. The cycles in nature are a beautiful metaphor. I let my artworks grow, experimentation and playfulness are paramount. My aim is to create open artworks with spiritual foundations.
As everything is in flux, so is my art. Not for nothing do I have a major series ‘Revisited’ that cuts across all series. As long as the work is still in my care, I sharpen it with new insights. The years and titles at the back tell their own journey.
Themes are: Travel, River, Panta Rhei, Resonance, Movement in the Seasons, Between Phases, Night, Hope, Light and Growth.