Pink wall sculpture made of recycled plexiglass
First a video, on my studio wall.
146 x 67,5 x 5 cm. (length, width, depth)
Wall sculpture of recycled plexiglass, crafted, painting
Gea Zwart, 2023
€ 4.400,-
Incl. suspension system
Excl. shipping costs
Summer 2023 I worked on a large wall sculpture of recycled Plexiglas. For the exhibition at Gallery Playroom in Zaandam in Oct. 2023.
I get the material from companies as a basis for my wall sculptures. I received a large stock from architectural firm UNStudio from Amsterdam and Maquettestudio Z-as from Weesp, which will last me for years to come.
I created a new artwork especially for this exhibition, using leftover pink, mirrored Plexiglas. At Gallery Playroom, diversity is paramount. So it cried out to be used.
In summer 2023 I was immersed in a pink world, which wasn’t bad at all.
Read below about the making process
and view the photos.
The Work of Art
- Made in several months
- Start with the first circumferential movements, finished with the suspension system.
Soon it became clear it was going to be a flower garden.
The process went from simple to complex. From simple shapes, lines, blocks and planes. Lots of looking and trying. To the point:
This work will be very thorough, with many details!
Questions arose such as:
How much may you see reflected in it? And what or who?
How much will I cover? Will I include En Plein Air drawings? Or just painting and mounting? What colors match beautifully with this pink base? What mood do I want to strike? Soft, candy cane, sweet, or also with a dark side?
An explosion of color.
All brakes off and over the top.
Once decided, I then created many elements. Imagining growth, flowering, heaven and earth. The relief grew in all directions, including height.
An intense stretch over the summer. In the studio which occasionally reached boiling points. Another hot summer.
The viewer is consciously part of the artwork.
Because the artwork was on the table almost all the time, I saw mostly the ceiling and windows reflected in it. You can see that in the photographs. Once on the wall, you see yourself reflected, which was the goal.
Read below to find out how.

Recycle your darling
An intense moment. While experimenting I discovered that I was going down a road I had walked before. Because a lot happens playfully and unconsciously, I was not immediately aware of it.
I have nml. made a wall sculpture with the same theme before, 2 years ago. Also in September. It is called Eden, the Garden of Paradise.
‘Kill your darling’. Sometimes a beloved part has to disappear to make the whole better. In this case, it was the variant “Recycle your Darling. (Which I briefly considered as a title for the work).
I jokingly put little Eden on it and then it was inescapable. It fit!
It has now been completely incorporated into the new wall sculpture.
And with that, the pink, reflective garden was complete.
> Double recycling:
Material and integrated artwork
> Eden has been exhibited twice:
Nov. ’21, Kunstmaand Ameland in the NH church in Hollum Sept. ’22, Kunsteiland in Zaandam
Perhaps someone last saw him there in that form?
The title:
The last element that appears and disappears is yourself or whoever stands next to you. Those who stand in front of the work see themselves reflected.
Total photos in different types of light.

Finally, details with close-up color spectacle.
The video at the top also shows details.

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