Münster, Haus der Niederlande, expositie Gea Zwart 2024, Recycle Art



Paintings exhibition Gea Zwart Hilton Hampton Antwerp with galerie Bubble Art Projects

Antwerpen – Keulen – Düsseldorf

HAMPTON ANTWERPEN / 28 Jan. – tot 18 March
– HILTON COLOGNE / 6 dec. ’24 – tot 28 jan.
– HILTON DÜSSELDORF / 8 nov. – tot 6 dec. ’24

I am showing 2 paintings on canvas, Time (left) and Time Travel (right) of which Time was recently revised and new. The theme is travelling in the mind and through the night.

The exhibition lives up to its name, as it travels from Düsseldorf via Cologne to Antwerp. It hangs in prominent locations in the lobby of luxury hotels. The paintings are for sale there.

Group exhibition by galerie Bubble Art Projects

18 sept. 2024 – feb. 2025

With galerie Bubble Art Projects
Group Exhibition

I am showing 3 new paintings on canvas from 2024.
I based the selection on the colours of the country. Most visitors come by plane, which is why the chosen format is small.

Info: Dubai, Hilton

Exhibition Dubai Gea Zwart Sept-Nov 2024 painting Hilton The Walk


Kunstfeestmaand t/m 31 dec. 2024.
Info: galerie Modern Dutch Art

gallery Modern Dutch Art art festival month with discount until end Dec. 2024

Exhibition Munster House of the Netherlands Gea Zwart George Maas Julia Winter Sustainability in Art

11 oktober t/m 8 december 2024
Gea Zwart, George Maas, Julia Winter
Group exhibition, theme: Sustainability and Recycling in the arts.

Meet and Greet, Gea Zwart
Do. 21 nov. , 3 – 6 pm


Mon, Wed, Fri: 12 – 6 p.m.
Sat & Sun: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Closed on Tuesdays

Friday 11 October at 19.00
with violinist Anastasia Kozlova.

Haus der Niederlande
Alter Steinweg 6/7 Münster.
Entrance is free.

George Maas, Julia Winter and Gea Zwart show the interplay of Recycling, Transformation and Art in this international exhibition. They work independently of each other with discarded objects that they find on the street or that others make available to them.

The Haus der Niederlande is the house in Münster where the peace treaty between Spain and the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands was signed in 1648. This treaty put an end to the Eighty Years’ War.
Today, the Haus der Niederlande houses various institutions of the University of Münster in the field of language, literature, history and politics of the Dutch language area. Exhibitions of Dutch international artists are organised there. We will be showing our work at this historical location from October.

I exhibit wall sculptures made of recycled plexiglass.
Info: Haus der Niederlande

Publication in Harper's Bazaar NL no. 5 Gea Zwart Recycle Art 2024

no. 5
, 2024
It will be released on September 18th

Harper’s Bazaar NL is a well-known magazine for women who are interested in authenticity, art, career and fashion.

In no. 5 a spread with artists/brands that are committed to upcycling in fashion and art. Also with my artwork ‘Composition Mountains with Poppy‘ of recycled material and short information.

Art at the Vaart Gea Zwart Sept. 2024 Recycle Art

weekend 14 and 15 September 2024

Residents along the Vaart in Assen open their homes and gardens. Some 50 artists show their work. A concert will be given in a number of gardens.

During this 17th edition of the art route I will be a guest with my art in the house at Vaart ZZ no. 139. I will also be there to explain my work. You are welcome!

I exhibit wall sculptures made of recycled Plexiglas and also new ones made of aluminium honeycomb from this year. Sustainability and art go together in these works.

Kunst aan de Vaart is free to visit
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September
from 11:00 to 17:00.

Address: Vaart ZZ 139, Assen
Info: Kunst aan de Vaart

logo Kunstenaar van het Jaar

Nationally renowned art prize, organized by Stichting Kunstweek with 4 voting rounds:
– 2 by a professional jury of 100 professionals from the art world
– 2 by approx. 40,000 public voters online

September 2024
Wildcard, Public nomination
as 1 of the 25 most nominated artists by the public.

Info: Verkiezing Kunstenaar van het Jaar

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