How do people experience my work?
My mission is to touch people’s hearts with my art. And to encourage reflection and change.
Read below how this works out
In a conversation
‘First you see it. Then it grabs you. And it grows on you. And then you like it more and more. And after that… you always discover something new. I love your work’
“You are so free in your painting. The work flows, without restriction”
Via sociale media
“I am very happy to have discovered your work. You have a new appreciative fan. I see so many similarities with your work and music. I enjoy music so much and much of your art is almost like a physical representation of musical sounds.”
On studio visit
‘Wow! It looks like a spirit extraction’
“What an atmosphere! You are embraced by the space and by the art”
“This afternoon I visited the studio of Gea Zwart. How nice it was to talk and listen to her about het artworks
and to finally see them IRL! I was very impresssed by her color- and material use and the movements in her works!
This afternoon let me feel how inspired you can become and how inportant it is to nourish your inner artist!”
“Your great works look so different in real life than on the internet. I am very impressed”
“Very good art. I wish you good luck and much love”
“I found recognition about being in sync with the world around you and tuning in to it. Making yourself vulnerable and displaying and sharing your work with dignity”
In collaboration with poets
‘Gea Zwart’s multicoloured art, which I love to write about, requires me to look beyond the beaten track. I write my desire… And am proud to participate in this poetry art week!’
Following semi-final and nomination ‘Artist of the Year 2020’
‘I voted for you. Why? You tell your own story and with that you touch the viewer’s heart and soul’
“I voted for you. Because you are so persistent, passionate and almost fanatically goal-oriented”
At exhibitions
‘Whether it has any appeal? Much more than that! Very strong work. Impressive’
“You keep looking and discovering new things all the time. And how colorful!”
“What a development your work has undergone since the last time I saw it. Looks like you are far from finished. What an energy it radiates”
“Your work is very spiritual. With the assemblages, reliëfs, you have given yourself a special new path”
“Very impressive art”
“Best I’ve Seen Here”
After an assignment
‘I just had to cry a little and got quiet. You really made something beautiful for me’
“How well made. After our whole chaotic story, you’ve taken exactly that out of it, and incorporated it into the design, which is the core”
“My logo is almost a work of art in itself. I still get a lot of positive reactions to it”
After purchasing artwork
‘It complements our home’
‘What I particularly like about the painting is that the the figures above the head are dark and that gives
the painting an interesting dark edge. We get a lot of positive reactions to the painting and are very happy with it ourselves”
‘We are still very happy with both paintings, which were the start of many follow-up purchases for us.
We moved to the US and this work also went with us’
“As if it has always hung here”
“Your work was the first of our art collection”
“This triptych was not a triptych, but 3 separate works. But during the selection it came about as a triptych and I just couldn’t ignore it. It has been hanging with us for years, we don’t want to hang anything else either. It belongs to us and it fascinates still us, because of the color, the well-known “simple” (yet thoughtful) lines and yet also a bit of a mystical feeling”
“Your work is growing! Let’s increase the insurance…? :-)”
“Your work seems happy, but I also see dark sides. As a coach I work with people above and below the line and I see that with you too. That appeals to me so much”
“The painting hangs on the site of our liquor factory. The yellow color fits perfectly with the forty thousand egg yolks that roll out of our egg crusher every hour.”
“I’m still discovering new things in it. It never gets boring”
“My house is already filled with art, from top to bottom. I didn’t want anything more, but I couldn’t resist. I took some things away and now your beautiful work hangs in that place”