Gea Zwart studio pink reccyled plexiglas, summer 2023 detail banner

Sustainable commissioned art

for companies

Give me your beloved remains
and I will transform it into a new work of art.
If that’s not an exciting transformation?

Commissioned art with residual materials

Transformation is the magic word
Recycle Your Darling is a new venture by Studio Gea Zwart, exclusively commissioning sustainable art.
For organisations and companies, I create custom-made contemporary artworks using their own residual materials.

Started in early 2025. As a logical follow-up to the autonomous series RecycleArt, sparkling wall sculptures, which I have been working on since 2019.


I transform your remains into art
I transform your emotions into art
Art transforms you

As an organisation, do you want to be more conscious of your leftover materials? Recycle Your Darling turns them into something beautiful on commission. If necessary, supplemented with other recycled materials from our own stock, it returns. As a modern work of art.

3 times Circular

Reuse. Better for the environment.
Transition becomes creation. It is temporarily out of the business, it returns in other form.
Your vision of sustainability. Express it through art. Visible to everyone, your customers, visitors and people who work there.

Designing with more goals

The theme
Another essential part of the artwork is its content. What should it tell?
Think of the mission, a marker, a point in time, the view of the company, imagining what you do, you name it. It can be light and also heavy. Art has many manifestations after all.

Transform emotions
On commission, I also make monuments to give a place to emotions, from joy to sorrow. This can also be done beautifully with recycled materials.

Art makes environments human
It stimulates the mind and increases feelings of happiness. Research shows, people are positively affected with art around them.


The artworks may consist of (wall) sculptures of all sizes from all kinds of materials.
(I currently reuse leftover plexiglass and aluminium honeycomb from architecture and design companies).

I work with multiple layers and transparencies. Materials are manipulated, with painting and assemblage. Light plays a role. Once the sun or other light source shines on it, beautiful shadow effects and extra dimensions are created.

The name, briefly.
The recycle version of the phrase ‘Kill your darling’. To get to the next level in a creation, something close to your heart has to give way. In this case, it’s about recycling cherished (leftover) materials.
Read below how I myself did my first ‘Recycle Your Darling’. The immediate reason for the name.

From transition to creation

Would you like to know more?
Is this something for you?

A sustainable art application made from your own leftover materials.
Contact us to hear what is possible.

What is in a name?

Recycle Your Darling
Read the lead to the name here.

Gea Zwart atelier studio pink recycled plexiglass summer 2023 paradise
Exchange Your Darling

The Exchange Library
Because experimentation, transformation and emotion are paramount, I have come up with a game without the knickers. For fun.

Which darling do you want to swap? Not who 😉 Against: New kid on the block

Life cycles Gea Zwart Recycled plexiglass mixed emotions

Do you have a barter proposal?
(could be anything)
Please let us know

New kid on the block
From series Life cycles
no. 29/50, recycled plexiglass, wood and paint, 12.5 x 3 cm., Gea Zwart

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